This Is It !

I am finally wrapping up my last blog. Hopefully this will have to be the last blog post I will ever have to do. But, then again, I’m sure I may have to do something very close to it in the type of fieldĀ that I want to do which is public relations. I have already started packing I just have a lot more to do because that’s literally everything under my desk. I feel like I’m about to be packing for days. Knowing me and all the crap that I have, I probably should’ve started packing right after spring break. Why me?


Lets Get It!!

I swear I always wake up early when I have nothing to do. But let me have a 8 o’clock or a 9 o’clock class in I’ll be sleep till 10 o’clock. I pray that I never will have to have an 8 o’clock class because I’m horrible about getting up in the morning when I have to. it’s weird though I honestly wake up at the same exact time every single day just like my brother it’s 7:13 AM, 8:37 AM, or 920 something. It’s like a set schedule and it’s so easy to get out a bed but like I said, when you have something to do you never want to get out the bed especially if it’s something you don’t care to do. But, since I am up, and up early, before I get started on any homework I’m going to take this time out to get the songs together for service on this Sunday. Have a great day!


Almost Done!!!

It’s the end of the semester. I’m so glad my professor decided to cancel class today. I have a lot of stuff I have to get done especially working on his project as well. And adding at least three more blocks to my blog post. I’m so glad I got a chance to catch up on all of these because Lord knows I was at zero postĀ like maybe four weeks ago. I’m just ready for my last final so I can go home for the summer. Not looking forward to this heat but who knows, Arkansas weather may surprise us, because this is Arkansas. A lot of black people tonight really like to go outside in the heat in the summer because we get darker. We want to keep whatever color we have. Well, you’re like this if your light skin like me, or very very dark because most darker people say oh well I’m dark enough. And I’m ready to turn 20 in July!!!! Two yays for cancer babies!!!!


Breakfast Time

I want breakfast from Gold Strike but it’s in Mississippi and I’m not. There breakfast was good and my stomach won’t stop growling. I hate when my stomach growls by people. It always seem to do it when it’s dead quiet. I’m just thinking to myself like dang, you couldn’t do that when it was a lot of noise going on? The main time it wants to do is during tests too. I’m like bruuuuuhhhh, why are you doing this to me? So when I am hungry, my stomach gets all hot on this inside. It’s so weird because out of my entire life I’ve only heard one other person say that. I guess that seperates us from the bunch? I wonder if a burning stomach is a bad thing? I should have eaten before class. I mean, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


News Writing

So I was late to my News Writing class. Good thing Dr. Mumert doesn’t hold that against us because I have been dragging in these last few weeks. This class starts at 9am and it has been so hard getting out of the bed in the morning. Well, I know it was this morning since I did not go to bed until after 3am. I was so sleepy but I had to get my story done for News Writing today. Yeah I had a whole week to do my story but I’m a college student, last minute work is our specialty. If you ever decide to take News Writing at Arkansas Tech University, get ready to laugh with Dr. Mumert!


We ARE Because YOU ARE

I have been interning with the Little Rock based ML Community & Lifestyle Magazine for five weeks now. It was previously know as Miss Lady Magazine. This magazine is no longer focusing on women only. Now we both do men and women. This is the reason why we are no longer calling it what it was before. This magazine has been running strong for seven years now. The editor has said that she has seen so much growth since when she first started. She is so proud of herself and her team. Working alongside of all of them has been a great experience. I hope to continue working with them even after my internship ends.


House of Art

If you have not been out to the House of Art in North Little Rock, Arkansas you are truly missing out. The artwork in there is magnificent. It is an African-American based art center. Yes it is small but Chris James, who is the owner, is still moving up more and more each day. Every Friday night they do poetry slams. I believe it’s an open mic in a way so you would also be able to join in if you wanted to. The only cost is $10 which is very cheap. They’re always at 8:30 PM. So, if you do decide to go, it is located in the North Little Rock Argenta District.


Pleasant Grove on the Move

So I attend Pleasant Grove CME Church. My church started off as a very tiny church. A church that did not even have a fellowship hall. When they first got a fellowship hall, it was very small. Small enough to where only five tables will be able to fit in the there. Don’t get me wrong, we are still a small church, but seeing where we were then and where we have gotten is a major scale up. My church added another portion to assist in the fellowship hall. This happened a couple years ago, and now we have two sides where people can eat on. We recently put in monitors for people to be able to read along with the Bible verses, reading response, and sing-along with the songs. I am very proud to be a part of a church who is filled with mostly old people but still want to see growth in the church.


Coming Back?


So this will probably be my last blog for the night/morning. I’m not getting sleepy but I know I have to wake up early in the morning for my 9 o’clock class, so I better be getting my butt to bed. So, until I finally fall asleep, I will be watching sister sister with Tia and Tamera Mowry. I loved watching this show when I was little. I still like watching it now even though these are all reruns. However, word on the street is, Tia and Timara Mowry are working on bringing Sister Sister back. I am not sure if this will be a sitcom or more reality TV. But, they already have a reality TV show so maybe it will be a sitcom who knows.

Damn Rain


I decided to check and see what the weather would be like for tomorrow. To my surprise it’s going to be raining for the rest the week going into next week. It’s only Wednesday, if you want to be technical. Today will be the last clear day for a while. I’m glad I finally got me some rain boots. It has taken me years as in five years to finally get some rain boots. I am not prepared for this rain. Maybe if I had a boyfriend to cuddle with during the rain and watch movies, I would be all for it. But, until further n’notice, this rain does not have to come.